Yohden Primary School

Yohden Primary School
Believe Aspire Learn Achieve!

Mr Hawksworth’s Class



My name is Mr. Hawksworth and I teach Year 5 and 6 . 


PE days

Our PE days are Thursday (PE) and Friday (Swimming). 

On a PE days, we wear black shorts or trousers, a white t-shirt and appropriate sports trainers. Earrings need to be removed for safety or covered with tape during this lesson.

On a Swimming day, our PE lesson is swimming and pupils will require a swimming kit, including a swimming hat. Pupils should not wear earrings or any form of jewellery for this lesson.

Home learning

We need to complete 30 minutes of Times Table Rockstars.  This should be completed independently with minimal support and supervision.  


We are given spellings on a Monday which should be practised, and activities completed by Friday that week. Sometimes we may need adult support to help us practise and to test that we have learned our spellings.  

We hand out new spelling words or rules on a Monday, which should be practised using taught strategies from our in school learning, and activities completed by Friday that week for a spelling test. Sometimes we may need adult support to help us practise and to test that we have learned our spellings.

Reading is important and we must read at least 3 times per week at home with an adult. We ask our Year 6 pupils to have two books at any time; one at their level which they can be tested on at school and one book which should be a reading for pleasure book based on their interests. Adults need to write about how we read e.g was there a word we were stuck on, did we read fluently, did we understand the meaning of vocabulary, and could we answer questions about events and characters? 

What we do in our class